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- Asset Recovery Solutions, LLC
- Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc.
- Axiom Acquisition Ventures
- Bank of America, N.A.
- Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC
- Bureaus Investment Group Portfolio No. 15, LLC
- CACV of Colorado, LLC
- Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.
- Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC
- Centurion Capital Corp.
- Citibank, N.A.
- Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP
- Colorado Capital Investments
- Credigy Receivables, Inc.
- Credit Corp Solutions, Inc.
- Crown Asset Management, LLC
- Cypress Financial Recoveries, LLC
- Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere, P.C.
- DNS Equity Group, Inc.
- Elite Recovery Services, Inc.
- Eltman, Eltman & Cooper, P.C.
- Erin Capital Management, LLC
- Equable Ascent Financial, LLC
- Erin Services Co. LLC
- Fidelity Information Corporation
- First Resolution Investment Corporation
- Forster & Garbus, LLP
- Fulton Friedman & Gullace, LLP
- Galaxy International Purchasing, LLC
- Gemini Asset Recoveries, Inc.
- Global Acceptance Credit Co., LP
- Gotham Collection Services Corp.
- Great Seneca Financial Corporation
- Harvest Credit Management, LLC
- Hilco Receivables, LLC
- Houslanger & Associates, PLLC
- Independence Receivables Corporation
- Jaffe & Asher LLP
- Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC
- JH Portfolio Debt Equities, LLC
- JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
- JST Capital, Inc.
- Kapitus Servicing, Inc.
- Kavulich & Associates, P.C.
- Kevin A. Stevens, P.C.
- Kirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.
- KMT East, LLC
- KMT Enterprises, Inc.
- LendingClub
- LG Funding, LLC
- Libra Equities, LLC
- Linda Strumpf, Esq.
- LR Credit LLC
- LVNV Funding, LLC
- M&T Bank
- Main Street Acquisition Corp.
- Malen & Associates, P.C.
- Mandarich Law Group, LLP
- Marshal Bruce Kemp
- Marshal Gregg E. Bienstock
- Marshal Martin Bienstock
- Marshal Henry Daly
- Marshal Ronald Moses
- Metro Portfolios, Inc.
- Marshal Stephen W. Biegel
- Midland Credit Management, Inc.
- Midland Funding, LLC
- Mel S. Harris & Associates, LLC
- MSW Florida Capital, LLC
- Mullooly, Jeffrey, Rooney & Flynn, LLP
- NCB Management Services, Inc.
- NCO Financial Systems, Inc.
- National Collegiate Student Loan Trust
- North Star Capital Acquisition, LLC
- NY Financial Services, LLC
- Oliphant Financial, LLC
- Paul J. Hooten & Associates
- Palisades Collection, LLC
- Pinnacle Credit Services, LLC
- Pinpoint Technologies, LLC
- Portfolio Investment Exchange, Inc.
- Portfolio Recovery Associates
- Precision Recovery Analytics, Inc.
- Pressler, Felt & Warshaw, LLP (formerly Pressler & Pressler, LLP)
- RAB Performance Recoveries, LLC
- Rausch Sturm, LLP
- Relin Goldstein & Crane LLP
- Razor Capital, LLC
- Resurgent Capital Services, L.P.
- Richard Sokoloff, Attorney At Law
- Roach & Murtha, P.C.
- RJM Acquisitions, LLC
- Rubin & Rothman, LLC
- Rushmore Recoveries, LLC
- Portnoy Schneck, LLC f/k/a Schachter Portnoy, LLC
- Second Round LP
- Selip & Stylianou, LLP (formerly Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP)
- Sharinn & Lipshie, P.C.
- Smith Carroad Levy & Wan, P.C.
- SOFI Lending, Corp.
- Stephen P. Dewey, Esq. P.C.
- Steven Cohen, LLC
- Strategic Funding Source, Inc.
- TD Bank, N.A.
- Tenaglia & Hunt, P.A.
- Tromberg, Morris & Poulin, PLLC f/k/a Stephen Einstein & Associates, P.C.
- Thunderbolt Holdings, LLC
- Troy Capital, LLC
- Unifund CCR, LLC
- United Guaranty
- Velocity Investments, LLC
- Vion Holdings, LLC
- Virgo Capital, LLC
- Winthrop Capital, LLC
- Wind Atlantis Management Corp
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- Zwicker & Associates, P.C.
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- New York General Business Law § 350
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- RAB Performance Recoveries, LLC
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- Roach & Murtha, P.C.
- Rubin & Rothman, LLC
- Rushmore Recoveries, LLC
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- The Lanham Act
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- Vitamin Shoppe, Inc.
- Vitamins & supplements
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- Weight-loss products
- Whole Foods Market Group, Inc.
- Wolpoff & Abramson
- Zwicker & Associates, P.C.
- 2025
- 2024
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- June
- May
- January
- Access Your Exempt Bank Funds: The Essential Guide to Using the Exemption Claim Form Kit
- The Langel Firm Launches Bank-Release Kit in Etsy Shop Called "Legal Demand Documents"
- Sued for Debt? Top 15 Reasons to Consult a Lawyer
- Can a Creditor Use a Driver's Abstract to Verify My Address for Legal Purposes?
- Garnishments Alone do Not Waive Claims of Bad "Service"
- New York Expands Medical Debt Protections: What Patients Need to Know in 2024
- The Hidden Challenges Debt Buyers Face in Litigation in 2024
- 2023
- December
- Bank Account Frozen From a New York Judgment (but you live outside NY)? Big Win for Consumers where "Separate Entity Rule" Voide
- 25 Essential Q&As for New York Consumers Facing Debt Lawsuits
- 2024 Lessons About a $260K Judgment Tossed in 2011: "Dwelling Place" or "Abode"
- Citibank fails to show debtor retained account statements without objection; Appeals Court rejects its account stated claim
- Do I Have to Pay the Creditor's Attorneys' Fees if I Lose My Credit Card Lawsuit?
- The Langel Firm Swiftly Causes Dismissal of $86,473.47 Bank Lawsuit
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Methods of Service of Legal Papers on a Person: New York
- Bank Account Seized? Discover Why Fast Settlements Offer Financial Relief
- New York Civil Courts Raise Monetary Threshold to $50,000
- The Common Emotions Sabotaging Your Finances | A Debt Lawyer's Perspective
- Debt: The Good, The Bad, and The Strategic
- Revisiting Amex v. Badalamenti: A Decade Later, Electronic Evidence Under the Microscope
- 4-Step Approach to Settling a Debt (2023)
- July
- June
- May
- Substantiating Health Claims: Examples of Proof (and Lack Thereof) in Advertising
- Can Creditors Seize Your Joint Bank Account? Know Your Rights in New York
- Bank Account Frozen? How to Get Access to Exempt Money
- Can a Debt Collector Place a Lien on My Home? Yes, Here's How
- False Advertising Lawsuits in New York: The Cases
- CACH, LLC unable to Pin Liability on Individual for Business Credit Card
- April
- March
- February
- Proving Health-Advertising Claims with Science: A 2023 Legal Guide
- Mislabeling vs. Misbranding: A Practical Guide with Examples
- Misled by False Advertising? Fight Back! Free Consultation (Questionnaire)
- Advertising Law in 2023: Health Claims Analyzed
- Fighting Back Against Assigned Creditor Judgments in New York
- January
- Need to Vacate a Default Judgment? Include Good "Excuses" for Not Defending
- What Happens to Judgment Enforcement upon Death?
- Judgment Liens Explained: What Debtors and Creditors Need to Know
- Know Your Rights Against Wage Garnishment Discrimination in New York
- What is a "Notice to Judgment Debtor or Obligor"?
- Does Federal Law "Preempt" (Block) State Lawsuits for Mislabeling?
- "Humanely Raised" Label Deceptively Connected to USDA, argues Class Action
- Pig Producer, Smithfield Foods, Loses Initial Battles in False-Advertising Lawsuits
- December
- 2022
- December
- Simple Guide to Blocking Debt Collectors From Exempt Bank Funds
- How Creditors "levy" (take) your Property: New York
- Pursued Twice for the Same Debt? Assert Your Rights Immediately!
- Unrecorded Debt Assignments Remain Legally Binding - What This Means for New York Debtors
- Are You Liable for Business Credit Card Debt?
- November
- October
- Which Federal Agencies Govern False Advertising? (21 Useful FAQs)
- Judgment Creditors Bear the Burden of Proving Claimed Exemptions Inapplicable
- New York's Separate Entity Rule: Limitations on Foreign Account Seizures by U.S. Creditors
- Can New York Judgments Freeze International Bank Accounts?
- New York's Statute of Limitations for Debt Buyers (the "borrowing Statute")
- September
- August
- June
- April
- February
- January
- December
- 2021
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- Intro to Taxation of Art Galleries with Top 13 Audit Pitfalls
- Employee v. Independent Contractor: The IRS’ 20-Factor Test Analyzed
- Sample Tax Audit of an Attorney: Look at these burdensome Demands!
- Attorneys: Beware of these Four Income Related Tax-Audit Triggers
- 6 Common Tax Mistakes by Attorneys Relating to Expenses
- Why Attorneys Should Treat Advanced Client Costs as Loans versus Business Expenses
- Who is Liable for Employment Taxes in Wake of Covid-19 Business Closures?
- March
- February
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- November
- August
- July
- Tax Court Filing Deadlines are Not Extendable
- Is your Tax Accountant Covered under the Attorney-Client Privilege?
- The Government can Compel Disgorgement of Tax Return Preparer's ill-gotten Gains, says Federal Appeals Court.
- The National Taxpayer Advocate Points to Systemic Flaws within the IRS
- Despite Budget Restraints, The IRS is Committed to Improving Quality
- June
- March
- 2017
- November
- September
- August
- New York State Regulations Governing Debt Collectors and Debt Buyers
- Can a Debt Buyer Authenticate (Admit into Evidence) an Original Creditor's Business Records?
- The Langel Firm Settled a $69,139 Judgment (Pinpoint Technologies) for $2,000
- Unifund CCR, LLC Case Dismissed for Not Seeking Default Quickly Enough
- $36,000 Unifund Garnishment Stopped in its Tracks; Case Discontinued
- February
- January
- 2016
- December
- October
- August
- July
- April
- March
- Most Frequent Debt Collection Complaints of 2015
- Protective Order Denied in Case Involving a Fraudulent Conveyance
- Co-Signers Beware: Judgment May Be Entered Against You Even if You're Not Served
- Top Ten Consumer Frauds of 2015
- Deferred Interest Credit Card Offers.... Free Credit or Debt Time Bombs?
- Sykes v. Mel Harris: Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
- Equable Ascent Financial Case Study: Examine the Specifics of the Debt
- Consumers Beware! Scam Alert (Debt Consolidation, Payday Loans & Auto Title Loans)
- Wife not Allowed to "Stand In" for Husband at Traverse Hearing Using Power of Attorney in Lawsuit Brought by Pinpoint Technologi
- February
- 2015
- December
- November
- New York "Sewer Service" and "Robo-signing" Case Finally Settles
- Midland Funding Seeks U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Over Usury Issue
- Class Action against Unifund CCR Partners Moves Forward
- Adding Inflated Debt Amounts to Credit Reports Violates the FDCPA, Holds Court
- Class Action Proceeds Against Fein, Such & Crane, LLP
- Collector Induce you to Settle to Stop Legal Action... but Judgment Entered Anyway?
- Debt-Collector Traps: Re-aging Debts on Credit Reports
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- A Potent Judgment-Enforcement Tool: Installment Payment Order
- Debt Collector Sue you in the Wrong County? Your Statute of Limitations to Retaliate.
- Military Personnel Given Extra Protection Against Default Judgments
- Creditor Freeze your Bank Account? Here's How it Happened.
- LVNV Funding, LLC and Resurgent Capital Sued for Misidentifying Actual Owner of Debt and Improperly Shifting Court Costs to Cons
- April
- New York Debt Collector Court Rule Is A Game Changer - For Everyone
- Identity Theft and Debt Collection Remain Highest Source of Consumer Complaints
- Fed Study: Student Loan Delinquencies Higher than Previously Reported
- Asset Acceptance Found Liable under FDCPA for Improperly Collecting Pre-judgment Interest
- NY Consumer Permitted to sue LR Credit 22 after Settling Case
- Credit-Card Interest: The Average Daily Balance Method
- The Langel Firm Compels United Guaranty's Discontinuance of $37K Student Loan Case
- March
- February
- January
- 2014
- December
- Debt Buyer's Failure to Communicate Disputed Nature of Debt to its Collector found Actionable under the FDCPA; Class Action surv
- Seeking Relief from a Lien or Levy Pending an Appeal (New York)
- Judgment Creditor versus Transferee: Who Has Rights to the Money/Property?
- A Simple List of What Property your Judgment Creditor May Seize (New York)
- The Langel Firm Secures Dismissal of CACH, LLC Case due to Affidavit Defect
- The Langel Firm Swiftly Causes Release of Bank Account and Convinces Colorado Capital Investments, Inc. and Daniels Norelli to D
- May a Judgment Creditor Force you to Use Credit Cards to Pay Off a Judgment?
- What Debt Collector's can't Do
- November
- October
- August
- July
- June
- April
- February
- January
- December
- 2013
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- June
- Resurgent Capital Services, LLC Fails in its Attempt to "Amend" the Caption to Replace it with LVNV Funding as Real Party in Cre
- Filing a Time-Barred Bankruptcy Claim by LVNV Funding Not an FDCPA Violation, Holds Federal Court
- The 7-Year Issue: Debt Collectors, Original Delinquency Dates, and Your Credit Report
- Guarantors Unable to Escape Liability for $250,000 Capital One Loan
- May
- District Court Strikes Midland Funding's Notice to Admit in Credit Card Lawsuit
- Retirement Funds Are Exempt from Bank Restraints in New York
- CACH, LLC Loses Attempts at Summary Judgment and Motion to Strike
- FDCPA Class Action Against Erin Capital Management for Lack of Licensure
- "Sewer Service" May Violate FDCPA, Holds New York Federal Court
- April
- March
- LR Credit 22, LLC Sanctioned For Not Timely Honoring Exemption Claim Form
- The Langel Firm Secures Another Victory for Consumers Under the GBL - Judge Declares Baseless Debt Buyer Litigation Activity by
- Listing Judgment on Bankruptcy Petition could Renew Enforceability of Otherwise Time-Barred Judgment, holds New York Appeals Cou
- Credigy Receivables, Inc. Sues a Victim of Identity Theft, and Court Upholds Victim's Award of Attorneys' Fees for Frivolous Enf
- District Court Finds that Communications Directed to a Consumer's Attorney may be Actionable Under the FDCPA
- February
- CACV of Colorado, LLC Fails to Prove it Complied with Settlement Stipulation
- Rushmore Recoveries has no Evidentiary Foundation to Warrant Summary Judgment, Holds Court: Business Records Exception to Hearsa
- New York Supreme Court Rules HRA Welfare Payments Not Garnishable: Creditor Must Wait until Judgment Debtor Endorses Welfare Pay
- Debt Purchaser, Collins Financial, is not Entitled to Default Judgment due to Lack of Sufficient Proof
- 15 Valuable Points of FTC Debt Buyer Study Involving Consumer Debts (2013)
- Cohen & Slamowitz Sued under FDCPA for Pursuing Wrong Person for Debt
- January
- Class Action Accused North Star Capital Acquisition of Abusing Legal Process with Deceptive Stipulations Sent with Initial Compl
- Debtor Sues Arrow Financial Services, LLC for Furnishing Negative Marks to Credit Bureaus without First Validating a Disputed De
- Facebook Users Beware! Debt Collectors Infiltrate Social Media
- Metro Portfolios Escapes Liability for Suing on Time-Barred Claim Due to Debtor's Failure to Vacate Judgment
- Debt Collectors Threatening You With Jail Time? You Have a Claim Under the FDCPA
- How much of my wages can be garnished? Summary of New York Law
- 2012
- December
- FDCPA Encourages Private Attorneys to Pursue Class Actions
- Debt Collection Letters Sent to Consumers' Employers Violate FDCPA, holds U.S. Court of Appeals; Class Action is Reinstated Agai
- Debt Collector Placing False Information on your Credit Report? Punitive Damages May be Available under the Fair Credit Reportin
- The Langel Firm preparing to launch TCPA case against Capital One
- Debt Collector Tactics When Collecting Old Debt
- $14,500 Cavalry Portfolio Judgment Vacated; Schachter Portnoy Acquiesces to Dismissal of its Debt Buyer Lawsuit
- Western District Rules Statement in Summons is False but Not Material and Thus Does Not Violate FDCPA
- November
- October
- New York Federal Judge Strikes Down NYC Regulation of Collection Attorneys
- The Langel Firm Sues Mel Harris & Associates for Collection Letter that Misrepresents Status of Debt and Makes False Legal Threa
- American Express must pay $112 Million in Penalties
- Capital One in Cross Hairs; Cohen & Slamowitz also Named as Defendant
- September
- AG's Office Looks into Robo-Signing at JPMorgan Chase
- The Langel Firm Files Suit against Eltman, Eltman & Cooper for its Use of Deceptive "Asset Investigation Letter"
- The Langel Firm Quickly Causes Voluntary Dismissal of Chase/Troy Capital Debt Lawsuit Raising Statute of Limitations
- The Langel Firm Files Complaint Against CK Marketing, Inc. (Payday Online) for Usury and Collection Abuse
- Debt collector, Diversified Consultants, Inc., held Not Liable Under FDCPA for 38 Phone Calls Made in a 3-month Time Span
- Court Grants Class Certification in Sykes v. Mel Harris; Federal Case Alleging Harris Schemed with Debt Buyer LR Credit and Proc
- Debt Collector's Retainer Agreement with Columbia University is Deemed Relevant and not Protected by Attorney-Client privilege i
- August
- Debt Buyer, Midland Funding, After Being Sued for Attempting to Collect Inflated Amounts, is Unable to Prove its Right to Enforc
- Class Action Proceeds against Student Loan Collector for its Premature Assertion in Collection Letters: "Account Ineligible for
- "Rooker-Feldman" Doctrine does Not Bar Consumer's Claim that Druckman & Sinel Violated FDCPA When Attempting to Collect More Tha
- Debt buyer, KMT Enterprises, fails to prove ownership of valid Chase credit card debt
- Plaintiff's claim that Cohen & Slamowitz violated FDCPA by repeatedly threatening to restrain bank account containing social sec
- Single Ad in USA Today Not Enough to give Notice to Absent Class Member
- Portfolio Recovery Associates May Not Send Consumers "Pre-Suit Packages," Says Court
- Cohen & Slamowitz sued for misidentifying creditor and misrepresenting attorney involvement
- July
- Discover Bank Fails to Establish its Right to Collect Charged-off Debt
- The Langel Firm sues Fulton Friedman & Gullace for bringing an unfair and deceptive debt collection lawsuit
- Eastern District allows case for harassing phone calls to proceed against Midland
- 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms Holding that WAMU's Attorneys Violated the FDCPA for Falsely Representing WAMU's Ownership
- Bulk of FDCPA Class Action Claims against Mel S. Harris &Assoc. are Dismissed
- Judge denies Chase Bank's request to serve alleged debtor through Facebook
- LVNV Funding and Resurgent Capital Fined $1M for Violations of The FDCPA and other Collection Laws
- June
- Federal court grants consumer's request to amend complaint against Cohen & Slamowitz and Midland Funding; allows additional clai
- U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case Regarding FDCPA's Fee Shifting Provision
- What constitutes a "dispute" sufficient to invoke your right to compel a creditor to notify the credit bureaus that a debt is in
- Tennessee Court of Appeals Rejects LVNV's Affidavits
- Cohen & Slamowitz loses attempt to wipe out consumer's actual damages via a "Rule 68" offer
- US Supreme Court Declines to Reconsider Tenth Circuit Ruling that Fax Sent by Debt Collector to Consumer's Employer is Not a "Co
- Court Issues Biting Decision Against Rubin & Rothman, LVNV Funding; Fines Rubin & Rothman $10,000
- May
- 8th Circuit Rejects FDCPA Claim over Collection Lawyer's alleged misrepresentations in a State-Court Collection Lawsuit
- Malen & Associates Loses Bid to Limit Portfolio Recovery v King to Post-2010 Cases
- Maryland District Court held that forged signatures on foreclosure documents were not "materially" related to debt, thus non-act
- The Langel Firm secures $8,197 default judgment against Sieger Ross & Aguire, LLC for telephone harassment under FDCPA. State la
- Judge Straniere declares that deceptive and improper litigation practices doomed case by Centurion Capital, Wolpoff & Abramson,
- Study finds more than half of all who complained to FTC of credit reporting errors were unable to persuade credit agencies to co
- April
- Letters from Debt Collector Violate FDCPA When Sent After Consumer's Cease and Desist Letter
- This week, The Firm quickly disposes cases by Mel Harris and Pressler & Pressler
- Debt Collection Abuses by Accretive Health, Attorney General claims
- Some Debt Buyers Lack Access to Needed Evidence
- $723,000 jury verdict sticks against Midland Credit Management, Inc.
- Judge Straniere derails Midland Funding's collection lawsuit for improperly using Midland Funding of Delaware, LLC as a "D/B/A"
- Key consumer law holdings arising from a recently decided FDCPA case against Mel Harris & Associates, LR Credit 10, LLC, and pro
- March
- The Langel Firm dismisses $31,578 credit card lawsuit by debt-buyer, First American Investment Company, LLC, for its failure to
- FTC Steps Up Enforcement Against Midland Funding LLC, Asset Acceptance LLC, and other Debt Collectors
- Midland Funding, LLC prevails at wage exemption hearing due to debtor's chronic failure to show up in court
- W. Va. Attorney General Sues Midland Funding, LLC and Midland Credit Management for Fraudulent Practices
- No private right to sue banks under Exempt Income Protection Act
- Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC submits shoddy assignment documentation and loses motion to dismiss FDCPA suit alleging lack of
- Case brought Against consumer by Midland Funding, LLC legally deficient
- Debt collector sends you a demand letter. You demand proof within 30 days. Without proof given, you are sued. Problem?
- February
- Palisades Collection, LLC failed to prove that it owned credit card debt
- 10 Reasons why CACH, LLC was unable to prove its credit-card lawsuit
- Midland Funding, LLC and Pressler & Pressler, LLP ignored procedure to oppose debtor's claim of exempt money in his frozen bank
- Preparing to sue a debt collector? Expect that you need to prove consumer nature of debt. New York district court's relaxed sta
- Debt buyer, Asset Acceptance, LLC, to pay $2.5 settlement to Federal Trade Commission over allegations of collection misconduct
- January
- The United States Supreme Court examines the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and holds that consumers bothered by intru
- Case Dismissed for Process Server's Failure to Produce Records at Traverse Hearing
- The Langel Firm stops wage garnishment and causes dismissal of collection action brought by MRC Receivables Corp. and Cohen & Sl
- When a spouse passes away - New York courts tell Palisades Collection and American Express surviving spouses are not liable for
- In New York City, does a debt collector violate the FDCPA for not acquiring its debt collector license before suing you?
- Portfolio Recovery Associates v. King, Statutes of Limitation and Making Them Work for You in Collection Defense Cases
- December
- 2011
- December
- Palisades Acquisition XVI, LLC and Cohen & Slamowitz, LLP fail to appear in court to face our challenge to their money judgment
- The Langel Firm wins Summary Judgment against Pressler and Pressler, LLP for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act fo
- Why debt buyers have difficulty enforcing collection lawsuits.
- The Langel Firm overturns $266,382 judgment and compels dismissal of case
- Palisades Collection, LLC and Pressler & Pressler, LLP sued for filing successive, jurisdictionally defective lawsuits against c
- November
- September
- August
- July
- Jury award 1.26 million to woman wrongfully garnished
- CFPB looks at credit scoring
- President Nominates Richard Cordray
- CFPB is off to a good start
- Elizabeth Warren to Testify about Consumer
- Which would you rather read, the New York Times or your credit card agreement?
- Update on Proposed settlement in Midland, Encore Class Action
- CBS Early Show - Fighting Abusive Debt Collectors
- Free Credit Reports
- Law review article re debt buyer cases focuses on robo-signing, lack of proof
- Your rights against debt collectors
- Citigroup faces lawsuit in Indonesia claiming its debt collectors beat man to death
- June
- Complaints about debt collectors are up
- launches "Protect Your Money"
- Robosigning Nixes Bank of America's Summary Judgment Claim
- JP Morgan Chase drops more than 1,000 collections cases
- FTC Files Amicus Brief Objecting to Midland Settlement
- Court Rejects Chase's "Robo-Testimony"
- Attorneys General of 38 States object to Encore Settlement
- Midland Funding, LLC criticised by Minnesota Attorney General
- New report finds "only" 6 million errors on credit reports
- Debt Collectors Want Changes to FDCPA
- "May or may not" language in collection letter violates FDCPA, court ssays
- Debt Collectors Have Feelings Too. No, Really.
- May
- April
- Woman Sues Debt Collector over Facebook Harassment
- Midland Funding, LLC/Midland Credit Management sued by Attorney General in Minnesota
- New Right for MIlitary Personnel: Private Remedy Under SCRA
- FDCPA claim against Cohen & Slamowitz for failing to disclose tax implications of paying reduced amount survives motion to dismi
- March
- February
- New York's Second Circuit Rules Against MIdland
- Worried about Wage Garnishment?
- Debt Buyers thrive in difficult economy
- Citibank debt buyer loses appeal; flimsy evidence sinks case
- Whistleblower's Allegations About JPMorgan Chase Debt Collection Practices
- Velocity Investments questioned for lack of proof of debt ownership
- Judge scrutinizes non-military affidavits
- Debt buyer responses to proposed industry reforms
- Report says: consumers need more protections from debt buyers
- New report calls for reform of debt buying, collecting industry
- You deserve fair credit terms!
- What you should know about debt validation
- January
- Creditor bully you and hurt your credit? Consider your credit damage
- Don't let debt collectors convince you to revive expired debts by making payment!
- When to hire us
- Active Members of Military are Protected from Default Judgments
- Richmond County Judge Asks Creditors to Provide More Proof
- Portfolio Recovery Associates caught filing defective affidavits
- Falling Behind on Bills? Protect Yourself
- Can they do that?!
- NDNY- OK for firm with no NY lawyers to send dunning letters to New Yorkers
- Court rules FDCPA applies to debtor's attorney
- Palisades Collection, Forster & Garbus sue wrong woman
- Class action accuses Mel S. Harris of "massive scheme" of using falsified affidavits of service
- Wall Street Journal discusses explosion in debt-buyer collection litigation
- Always resolve the state collection actions before bringing FDCPA actions
- Judge Spotlights Problems Faced By Unrepresented Debtors
- The Firm secures dismissal "with prejudice" against credit card debt buyer, Cach, LLC
- The Firm causes dismissal of student loan lawsuit due to bad service
- December
- 2010
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Consumer gets jurisdiction hearing by denying specific facts in affidavit of service
- The Langel Firm overturns judgment of RAB Performance Recoveries and Malen & Associates, P.C.; Mother's teaching wages returned
- Bank of America, FIA pay $5M Fine
- The Big 5 NYC Debt Collection Law Firms
- The Langel Firm settles $20,000 case with Asset Acceptance for $1.00 after vacating default judgment.
- Complaint Dismissed Post-trial Because Consumer Not Notified of Assignment
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- Consumer's claims fail against Forster & Garbus, Esqs.
- FDCPA Violation where Lawyer Duns and Sues with Limited Information on Debt
- Eltman, Eltman, & Cooper, P.C. sanctioned for frivolous collection conduct
- Court does not honor sister money judgment; lack of evidence exposed
- Process server doesn't show up; case dismissed
- February
- January
- 2009
- September
- The Dram Shop Law and its restrictions against "guilty participation."
- Dram Shop liability in New York: Control or Supervision Needed
- Welcome to our debt collection defense blog!
- Back to the Relation Back doctrine
- Dancing around the notice-of-occurrence clause
- Charging lien determination -- U.S. EDNY
- Take a Deposition? Make sure to Have the Deponent Sign It!
- August
- September
- 1900
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